Visualization AI
using advanced mathematical models
Visualization AI
using advanced mathematical models

Technology that captures modulations
invisible to the human eye
Technology that captures modulations
invisible to the human eye

High adaptability that allows anyone to use it,
without specific knowledge
High adaptability that allows anyone to use it,
without special knowledge

Are you facing challenges like these?

We have accumulated data, but we don't know how to use it...

We want to use AI, but we're concerned about the development cost and time...

We've introduced AI to solve problems, but we're not getting the results as expected...

D’isum’s Technology

Visualization AI using advanced mathematical models

Technology that captures modulations invisible to the human eye

High adaptability that allows anyone to use it, without specific knowledge

Why D’isum?

Easy to Introduce

No need for large-scale investment or advanced skills

High Verification

Data visualization allows you to identify the signs of changes from early stage

Solutions in a Short Period of Time

No training data required; can be used from today


D’isum analyzes and visualizes various risks of anything and anyone
using our unique AI technology,
enabling people to better prepare and manage them.